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Travel to Muscat


Muscat is the capital city of the Sultanate of Oman. It is located on the Arabian Sea along the Gulf of Oman. It is an important port town in the Gulf of Oman. It has experienced rapid infrastructural development in the last 40 years. The economy of the Sultanate of Oman is dominated by the trading port and petroleum. Two natural harbors have been formed along the coast, where the water has run deep at Mutt rah and Muscat. The port of Mina Sultan Qaboos is the trading hub between Indian sub continent and the Far East.

The climate is generally very hot during summer months. The temperatures reach to a maximum of 45 degrees during the months of May through September. The best time to visit Muscat is between November and April. The winters have warm evenings and the cool breeze from the sea will be very pleasant. The rains are scanty and occur during the winter months. Arabic is the official language of the Sultanate. The other south Asian languages like Hindi, Urdu, Chinese and Sinhalese are spoken by the migrant work force.

Muscat has an ethnic makeup of people who are not natives of Arabian Peninsula. Orange and white taxis without meters dominate local transport. It is advised to negotiate the fare before boarding a taxi. The taxis in Muscat carry passengers to Dubai also. Muscat is a good example for a mix of tradition and modernity. The hotels in Muscat serve intercontinental, Chinese, and south Asian food. The alcoholic beverages are to be consumed in the four walls of big hotels. During the month of Ramadan, small eateries do not serve food between sunrise and sun set. The hotels do not serve pork to Muslims.

Beautiful beaches, parks and gardens, magnificent mosques known for its architecture, surround Muscat. The traveler can spend some quality time watching Dolphins also. Muscat attracts maximum tourist during the Muscat Festival, which is full of music, dance and exhibitions. Shopping is a great experience in the "Corniche" - a major shopping mall. A traveler can shop for jewelry, pearls, and leather items.

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