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Traveling in India

 India is a land of unity in diversity. The same idea can be applied to the exploration of India across its states. The land is blessed with rich cultural heritage, diverse religions and communities. The lush green landscapes, sandy beaches kissed by waves of turquoise blue sea, melodious cascades of waterfalls, seamless golden desert, pure white snowy hills, colorful gardens, lofty peaks and mountains, rocky hills, serene rivers, royal retreats etc makes the place a perfect destination for many across the world. The countless attractions extend from the lofty Himalayas to low altitude Kanyakumari. The rich flora and fauna of India had been the center of attraction to the global tourists. The ease of accessibility from one region to other makes the excavation of the country easier. Most of the states are interlinked by rail, road and air. "Adhithi devo bhava" or "Treating guests as God" is the ideology behind treating the guests in this country. Hence any traveler finds it a tranquil place to enjoy the warmth and pleasure of the Indian community. India is a land of festivals which includes festivals of lights, colors and flowers. The amazing Taj Mahal, one among the world wonders is located in India. There are other historical monuments with valuable treasures of history across the country.

Travelers can move around India in any season. There are suitable places all across the country for each season. Be it hot, you have the chilling Northern region with calm Kashmir, Arunachal, Sikkim and other states. If you need a hot ambience, go to the state with pink city, Rajasthan. If a roaming in the misty hills and peaks is preferred, go for the Southern states like Kerala and Tamil Nadu that houses Wayanad, Munnar, Koorg, Ooty, Kodaikanal and Nilgiri. To have a well toned body, the tourists can exploit the sandy beaches that run across the country like Goa or Pondicherry. The land also houses a variety of sports and games for the travelers across the country. They can have in house as well as outdoor games for recreation. Travelers can have trekking, canoeing, beach games, mountain climbing, skiing, boat racing, paragliding etc as they wish.

India is rich for its own methods of natural therapies. There are a number of spas and Ayurvedic treatment centres across the country for physical wellness. There a variety of other local as well as ancient treatment methods efficient for the treatment of many disorders. Indian spices are renowned across the world for its quality. The vast variety of condiments in India is more than enough to stimulate the taste buds of the world. The traditional as well as modern cuisines that range from sweet to hot chilly varieties are incredible. The sea foods, vegetarian as well as other non vegetarian food enriched with the Indian, spices and condiments are best for health also. There are a fine number of hotels, restaurants and local eateries to provide the best tastes in the world. Food stuffs of any country are available across the country.

The land of India is rich in arts and craftsmanship. The country is famous for world famous performers, musicians, dancers and other artists. The craftsmanship of Indians is astounding. The rich culture and heritage, warmth of natives who give respect and love to their guests, fine weather, easily accessible places etc magnetize more travelers to India. Every place has its own token for the travelers as a long cherishable reminder of the country.

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